If I Were in Charge of the World

If I Were in Charge of the World


(Form change poem with thanks to Judith Viorst)


If I were in charge of the world,

I’d cancel war, gross food, and also veggies (but keep the ones I like).


If I were in charge of the world,

There would be more doughnuts glazed in chocolate with cherry too,

More pizza (with a gazillion toppings),

And lots of museums with dark in it and a forest.


If I were in charge of the world,

You wouldn’t have any bedtime.  You get to stay up!

You wouldn’t have any taxes.  Everything would be free!

You wouldn’t have any disgraceful, tight shoes!


If I were in charge of the world,

Pizza with whatever toppings, forty tons of pasta, lots of salad, and doughnuts would be a balanced meal,

All people would be happy, kind, and funny,

And a person who sometimes would forget to brush their teeth

And ate too many Pringles

Would still be allowed

To be in charge of the world.

From Everywhere!

I’m from playing video games with my dad and getting destroyed in board games by my dad (not to mention I hate to admit it.)

I’m from pancake breakfasts with tons of jam and maple syrup.

I’m from campfire smells and roasting marshmallows.

I’m from fun outdoors and reading for 1,000,000,000,000,000 hours a day.

I’m from the smell of my mom’s baked goods and walking on trails.

I’m from photography and pictures.

I’m from traveling as much as possible.

I’m from gardening and growing as much as I can.

I’m from engineering and building.

I’m from everywhere!

My Dream House

One day my house was normal.  The next it was a mansion full of cats, a big jungle, a lake!  Here’s how it started.

If I were to live on Mr. Plumbean’s street, this is what my dream house would be.  I’d have a giant lake full of fish, sharks, coral reefs, and ginormous ships!  I’d have a big jungle, and underwater house, a BIG LONG tube going into space.  The tube would lead to a mansion where I could float.  I’d have a basement full of stuff to build with, like engineering to build all sorts of stuff.  I’d have lots of cats and huge tiny houses for them.  I’d have a big course of some kind.